What we believe

I am often asked “ What is an individualist?”.  The very short answer is “An individual who believes in liberty”.  But that answers almost nothing, means almost nothing, to most people. 

Here is a concise definition of what it means to me to be an individualist.  

Individualists agree to abide by the HarmConsent Rule (HCR), which states that everyone should

Render no harm without consent,
except in self-defense 

The HarmConsent rule applies to ALL humans. It does not have exceptions for wealth, age, gender, position. The rule applies equally to a penniless female child, and to a wealthy and powerful man.

“Harm” is any act which uses force to materially damage the target individual. Not all harms are negative, eg surgery.

“Consent” is given when an individual authorises an action affecting themselves. Consent should be informed, explicit, freely given, preferably before witnesses, without fraud or falsehood.

Harmed” is any act which harms you. 

"Act" is a real-world, observable, physical event, as opposed to a non-physical event such as the use of words or gestures. “Preventing an action” is synonymous with “taking an action” .For example, striking someone, taking their property, confining them, are examples of real-world events.  Being rude, shouting, threatening, are not actions with real, physical consequences.



The initiation of all physical acts of assault are forbidden except where explicitly consented to, or when acting in self-defense.  This includes assault by individuals, groups and governments. 

Individuals may defend themselves vigorously against assault by others, matching violence with violence, like for like.

This proposition has nothing to say about an individual's personal choices, such as religion,  sexuality,  or lifestyle. 

Conflicts always arise.  This proposition implies that any conflict resolution mechanism must also be consented to by all  the individuals involved.  Conflicts are normally resolved through arbitration between affected parties within a community. When conflict is resolved through external agencies such as police and courts, individual control and choices tend to be ignored.

Many people believe that some individual behaviours must be restricted for the overall good of the community,  forcibly if necessary.  This belief is used to justify a vast range of coercive measures against individuals,  from taxation to immunization.  The HCR requires that proof of physical harm to other innocent persons(s) must be conclusively proven,  and may then become the subject of a conflict resolution procedure.

In the absence of an enforcement mechanism, what penalties can be imposed on individuals committing consent violations? An individual may retaliate against the violator in his personal capacity, or with the assistance of family and friends. He may retain the services of a defence agency. He may demand restitution. He may refuse further association with the consent violator. He may lobby for them to be shunned, or evicted from the community.

Morality is an individual issue. One person cannot impose their morality upon another, in terms of the HCR.
