2020 Libertarian zoominar

The tradition of Libertarian Spring Seminars has outlasted the apartheid government, the Berlin wall, Russian communism, and the twentieth century.  We are about to add the Covid19 pandemic to that list.

This year’s Libertarian seminar begins next week on Monday the 19th of October 2020 at 7pm and runs to Saturday the 24th. 

The structure will be 2x2 hour Zoom sessions per day for each day of the week (i.e. 12 sessions in total), running from 19:00 to 21:00 (7pm to 9pm) and 21:00 to 23:00 (9pm to 11pm).

Participants will click on the meeting links below to join the meetings of their choice. They will be active participants, able to see all other attendees, and to interact with the host, the speaker, and the other members. 

The meeting will be streamed live to Youtube, allowing anyone in the world to view the proceedings, and to submit written questions, and register "Likes"  (You will need to create and/or login to a Youtube account, a quick and easy exercise). Of course the event will be available for later viewing as well.  

Most registered attendees have been added to the Libsem 2020 Online whatsapp group. This group will be used to communicate last minute changes and instructions, and can also be used to request help. Send a whatsapp message to 083 4411 721 oto be added to this group.



All the videos can be found on Hugo Kruger’s Youtube channel at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDpOqqU-myLWFp26CiPba4A/videos?view=2&sort=dd&live_view=502&shelf_id=2 

Please share this email as widely as possible. 

We invite you to visit our page at https://sites.google.com/site/individualistmovement/events/2020-libertarian-zoominar for ongoing updates. 


Hügo Krüger and Trevor Watkins